Tuesday 5 December 2017

The princess that is wich

      The princess that is wich

Long ago in a far away land a princess was born she had beautiful brown eyes with lushes long golden hear her name was Grace louise williams a happy cheerful little girl she had a twin a lovely girl named annie she had red hair with green eyes as bright as a leaf on a hot summer day but one stormy night the sky was roaring like a lion bang blue sparks spain around grace...

10 years later…
I can't believe it's my first  day of witching school  yay we have a broomstick test

Long after the test…

A+ wow what a note at the bottom of the test?

You & your cat both had beautiful posture good job and keep up the good work

:<Dear Grace >:
Please meat me in my
Office at 7:30 pm
I want to descose being.
The head flyer
Sincerely miss haboth

I can't believe I might be head flyer  omg it's 7:00 I Better get going or I’ll be late

“Hello grace I’d like to talk to you about your flying you and one other student will be in the draw for nz’s best flyer & one of you may make it into the world round flying competition & win” said miss haboth

Butt who is the other flyer?

To be continued…