Tuesday 5 December 2017

The princess that is wich

      The princess that is wich

Long ago in a far away land a princess was born she had beautiful brown eyes with lushes long golden hear her name was Grace louise williams a happy cheerful little girl she had a twin a lovely girl named annie she had red hair with green eyes as bright as a leaf on a hot summer day but one stormy night the sky was roaring like a lion bang blue sparks spain around grace...

10 years later…
I can't believe it's my first  day of witching school  yay we have a broomstick test

Long after the test…

A+ wow what a note at the bottom of the test?

You & your cat both had beautiful posture good job and keep up the good work

:<Dear Grace >:
Please meat me in my
Office at 7:30 pm
I want to descose being.
The head flyer
Sincerely miss haboth

I can't believe I might be head flyer  omg it's 7:00 I Better get going or I’ll be late

“Hello grace I’d like to talk to you about your flying you and one other student will be in the draw for nz’s best flyer & one of you may make it into the world round flying competition & win” said miss haboth

Butt who is the other flyer?

To be continued…

Thursday 28 September 2017

Hello I'm Grace and I'm with my friend Olivia. 

Today I'm talking about are passion project. Mine and Olivia's passion project is to…
Create a replacer of Frankly school in Minecraft.

Minecraft is a app on phones,iPads,Xbox,computer and PS4 it is a game made out of cubes. Its the number one paid app on iPads 

It's Been six weeks already and we still aren't done we have only done rooms. 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 the pool the playground and the sand pit.

Here is a real vs minecraft 

Monday 28 August 2017

Passion project

For mine and Olivia's passion project we are making a replica of frankley school what will we learn we will learn how to make a big billding in minecraft and we willlern how to do working lights

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Sunday 30 July 2017

This is our pitch and demo videos -coding coca colas

Wednesday 3 May 2017


Tomorrow is camp I'm nervous but excited to I'm packing my bag to night ready for in the morning. me and some of my other classmates are in the big cabin. I think there's a tv in our cabin. I'm so so so scared. NO WIFI NO INTERNET NO DEVICES!!!! “Breaths in breaths out” …...AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Sorry about that but  just AAAAAAAAAAA!!! I'm going to die bye bye colle world.:( wall it gets me out of the house
‘Breaths in breaths out” all right bye!

Fidget spinner

                    Fidget spinner
Something to fidget something to spin what is it ………….it's a fidget spinner a fidget spinner is a toy to fidget with really cool no no no super cool colours gold purple pink blue yellow and my favorite HOLO/holographic some boys in the class Already  have them here are some photos

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Grace and Olivia's sleep over

😴holo its.....GRACE and to day Olivia is coming over for a sleep over we jumped in the car🚙 And drove to Olivia's to pick her up after we got home we wlaked to the shop we got 4 packs of candy for 50c each we went back home we watched a movie called mall cop then we made dinner cheese pizza then we had some snacks and went to bed we we woke up and watched what now and went to the museum

Monday 3 April 2017

My dream job

☺ holo my name is Grace I'm 10 years old and when I'm older I want to be a youtuber i will do anamatsons funny sad happy and ...cool ill do gaming and vloging to ill go to vid con armeggeton andmine con  and if I get enough money🤑I will go to New York 😎

Thursday 2 March 2017

year 6 assemble

Screenshot 2017-03-03 at 10.59.40 AM.png

Hi i'm grace yesterday was the year 6 assembly.
Now I will tell you about the assemble lats get started.  Come on guys time to go. We start walking to our assemble. we sit down in our seat’s. Mr rety says his speech he shows group ones speech’s.  they go up and get their beige's. o no its my group's turn. first georgia then grace o. O no i beat it's mine next.

Yep it’s mine. I cover my face in embarrassment it’s so so so weird. finally it’s over group 2 come up. i get my badge i’m shaking i was so nervous. finally the assemble is over.

What i think tu kaha means: i think it means standing tall for others