Wednesday 3 May 2017


Tomorrow is camp I'm nervous but excited to I'm packing my bag to night ready for in the morning. me and some of my other classmates are in the big cabin. I think there's a tv in our cabin. I'm so so so scared. NO WIFI NO INTERNET NO DEVICES!!!! “Breaths in breaths out” …...AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Sorry about that but  just AAAAAAAAAAA!!! I'm going to die bye bye colle world.:( wall it gets me out of the house
‘Breaths in breaths out” all right bye!

Fidget spinner

                    Fidget spinner
Something to fidget something to spin what is it ………….it's a fidget spinner a fidget spinner is a toy to fidget with really cool no no no super cool colours gold purple pink blue yellow and my favorite HOLO/holographic some boys in the class Already  have them here are some photos